Monday, November 29, 2010

I Heart Faces- Scenic B&W

Cusco, Peru at night

This is my first time entering a I Heart Faces contest.  I chose a night photo for my entry.  I love that you can barely see the Christ statue at the top of the frame as he looks down and keeps watch over the city. I also love how the lights seem to dance off the picture.
Make sure to view the other scenic pictures at I Heart Faces this week!

A New Blog

Wow, a new blog.  I'm not really sure if anyone will be interested in it or not, but it is an "authentic audience" as my Education professors would like to say.  An authentic audience inspires me to write and post, even when the writing is done mostly for me. So here I am, starting a new blog.  I hope to focus on my photography... not that it is special but the hope is that it will get better.  I hope to stretch myself, get some feed back and share my world, at least the world I see from behind the viewfinder!  Enjoy.